
So Proud I Could Burst


See this nifty hat, modeled by my husband?

Gavin Hat 1

Nice, eh? (And the model’s not bad either, if I do say so myself. Look at those soulful brown eyes….)

But here’s a secret–I didn’t knit the hat. He did!

After a few years of watching me knit (and start designing), he decided he wanted to learn. As he put it, at least then he could understand me when I started swearing at my knitting. Heh.

He started with a knit-purl square. In one of those jokes of the universe, he was a total natural. Very even tension from the get-go, and he figured out right away the best way to hold his yarn so he’s fast. My first projects looked like utter crap, but his first square is good enough that we actually use it as a coaster around the house.

This hat is his second project. His first time following a pattern, knitting in the round, using DPNs, cabling, etc. etc. etc.

Look at those sexy decreases:

Sexy decreases

He picked out the yarn at The Twisted Stitch in Monterey. It’s Imperial Yarn Columbia in (I think) Indigo Heather, and it’s DELICIOUS. Squishy and bouncy, and just the right amount of rustic-ness while still being soft. The color depth is fabulous. I want a sweater out of this yarn really, really badly.

The pattern he used is the Irish Hiking Hat (Ravelry link). He deliberately made it a little longer so it’s a bit slouchy:


I’m actually really jealous of this hat. Maybe I’ll get him to knit me one next….


He obviously knows how fabulous he is.



  1. Sarah R
    Sarah R04-11-2012

    Wow! I’m impressed!! Perhaps you will be able to get him to do sample/test knitting for you soon! hehe

  2. Sue

    That is incredile for a first proper knit, he’s a real natural DPN’s too I am mega impressed. Can’t wait to see what he produces next

  3. Truly Myrtle
    Truly Myrtle04-12-2012

    So cool! The man is fab – I bet he cooks too :)

  4. Faye

    Amazing! I’m well impressed, I was so proud when my other half made a scarf last year, but this is great for a first project! I think he must have been secretly watching you for sometime :)

    Love the yarn too!

  5. Randi

    Wow. That’s a hell of a second project. Well done, husband!

  6. isaida

    LOL – that last picture is priceless! He did an awesome job! Adding the pattern to my queue. My hubby would like this hat.

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