
Day 6, A Tool to Covet: 4KCBWDAY6


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Today’s prompt asks us to write about our favorite knitting (or crocheting, spinning, etc.) tool. I’m taking the title a little more literally and telling you about a tool I don’t have, but am seriously coveting at the moment!


For those who don’t recognize the picture, that’s the ChiaoGoo Twist Red Lace interchangeable set. I really, really want one. I like pointy, long-tipped needles, as you can see in this comparison of every brand of circular needle I currently own:

needle tips

From top to bottom: Knit Picks Harmony, Addi Lace, Addi regular, ChiaoGoo Red Lace, Boye

The Addi Turbo shown third from the top is the bluntest circular I own, and quite honestly I hate working with it. I much prefer my pointy needles. My ancient Boye Needlemaster set works pretty well, actually, except the cord is awful. Here’s a comparison shot of the cords for all of the needles above (same order as before). See how the Boye cord is so stiff the needles won’t even go to the side?

needle cord comparison

I currently knit most of my projects on my Knit Picks Harmony needles, which I like very much, but there are yarns that work better with metal needles than wood (plus the KP set only goes down to size US #4, which isn’t always small enough. The CG set goes down to #2!). The two fixed ChiaoGoo circulars I currently own have convinced me that I NEED this set.

Unfortunately for me, I’d have to buy two sets to get all the needles I need. The ChiaoGoo is split into two sets, one with sizes US #2–#8 and the other with US #9–#15. It makes sense to do it this way, since the connecter can then be narrow enough on the smallest sizes and wide enough on the largest… but I work with a lot of worsted/aran yarn, so I’d definitely need both. And they’re about $90 each, yo. A little too rich for my blood at the moment.

But they’re just SO PRETTY AND POINTY. And look at that adorable fabric case!

CG case

I think I know what I’m putting on my Christmas list this year….


  1. Sezza

    They really are gorgeous. I have fallen in love with their fixed needles, I find it easier to just pick up a needle then to find the cord (steal it from another project) join etc. But no pretty case!

  2. Truly Myrtle
    Truly Myrtle04-27-2013

    Oh no, not you too – I am being tempted by these needles from many different directions … it’s just a matter of time!

  3. Karen

    I love seeing all the needle tips! I like a pointy needle and haven’t yet purchased an interchangeable set. Now I know I’d like the Chiaogoo needles best too:)

  4. kirsti(k)nits

    The Knitter’s Pride Nova metal tips fit the Harmony cables and come in sizes US 2.5 and 3. Very handy!

  5. ChaioGoo!

    […] this post from Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, where I gushed about ChiaoGoo needles and wished for a […]

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