
Friday Roundup: Catching Up


Apologies for the lack of a Friday Roundup post last week! I attended a three-day writing conference Thursday-Saturday, and I barely had time to feed myself, let alone throw together a blog post. But now I’m back in the swing of things and ready to fill you in on another week.


Me and writer buddies at the end of the conference—we were all exhausted, but happy!

What I’m Knitting

The lace/cable blanket squares are all done (woohoo!) and blocking commenced this week. Now I need to crochet them together and decide whether another blocking would be advisable. I’m thinking it would be nice to ensure nice straight edges, but that’ll require figuring out where I can block something that big without danger of toddler or cats getting into it.

While the squares were blocking, I also started a new design! It’s a colorwork top for a little girl out of the yummy Swan’s Island yarn I showed off last week. It doesn’t look like much right now, but here’s a shot of my swatch to show you the cute cat silhouettes I came up with:

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 9.08.15 PM

The knitting is going really fast on this one, so stay tuned for an update next week!

What I’m Cooking

My big new experiment this week was lentil sloppy joes! I used to love sloppy joes back when I ate meat regularly, so I was hopeful that these would turn out okay. They were really good!


What I’m Reading

I met the adorable and lovely Julie Murphy at the conference I attended last week, so I picked up her latest release, Dumplin’! It’s really, really good so far. Highly recommended.


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