
Indie Design Gift-A-Long 2016!


One of my favorite times of the year is upon us—Gift-A-Long time!

If you’re not familiar with the event, here’s a quick primer. It’s hosted on Ravelry, where hundreds of independent knitting and crochet designers discount a bundle of their patterns for a week to kick things off. Thousands of crafters participate in craftalongs to make things for loved ones (or themselves!) during the busy holiday season. There are all kinds of fun games, lots and lots (and lots!) of friendly chatting, and some amazing prizes. You can get all the details and play along in the Gift-A-Long group on Ravelry.

This year, I aimed for a mix of my most popular patterns and quick gift-type items for the discount bundle. You can see most of the discounted patterns in my collage here:

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The rest can be viewed in my discount bundle on Ravelry.

And since this is one of the only times of the year when I give myself permission to knit other people’s patterns, I’m having a great time browsing the bundles of eligible patterns! So far I’ve picked out this adorable Manfred Aviator Hat from designer Kate Agner, which I’m making for my little guy:

IMG_1540_medium2 I have a stash of super-bulky yarn I was given as a gift last year, so I’m also contemplating some instant gratification projects. These TV Time Socks from designer Shannon Squire look like awesome around-the-house socks:


I’m also eyeing the beautiful Sorrento Hat by Sarah Sundermeyer, although I’m not sure it’ll look as nice as the one pictured with my single-color yarn.


So many possibilities, so little time!

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