
Friday Roundup: Yummy Cables and Even Yummier Chili


What I’m Knitting

The dolman-sleeve sweater is well underway! I’m knitting directly off of the old sweater—which means the yarn is all kinked up and the stitches in the WIP aren’t quite as even as they’d usually be. But I know from experience that it’ll look just fine after blocking.


What I’m Cooking

I continued with my private low-fat vegan cookbook challenge this week. This chili stuffed with vegetables is quite possibly my favorite thing I’ve made thus far. It was SO GOOD. And its healthy aspect was much appreciated after some, uh, overindulgence in Halloween candy last weekend…

IMG_0590And this next one might be a contender for the prettiest dish I’ve made from the cookbook so far. It’s a sort of salad niçoise, although I used black olives because they’re the only kind I like, and a mashed chickpea mix stood in for the usual tuna.


What I’m Reading

Almost through Emma!


1 Comment

  1. Monique

    I’m lovin that sweater and the color!
    The food looks good also!

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