
About me: I taught myself to knit using a video and some scratchy acrylic yarn in 2003. I only got about thirty minutes into the video before I was hooked! Five years in Southern California tested my love for wool, but now I’m in rainy Portland, OR, and I’m happy to say my primarily-woolly stash is bigger than ever.

I began designing patterns in 2011 and realized I gravitate toward designs with clean lines and contemporary (but not too contemporary) stylings. I strive to make my designs available to knitters in as wide a range of sizes as possible.

Things I love: cables, simple lace, strong lines, designs that look far more complicated to make than they actually are, and beautiful, saturated colors complementing each other in stripes or colorwork.

Besides designing, I am also an aspiring fiction writer. I’m working on young adult and middle grade novels when I’m not knitting as fast as my hands will go.

My Ravelry username is otismurph. Feel free to stop by and say hi.

My patterns are available for wholesale through Stitch Sprouts. Please fill out the request form here if you’re interested in carrying my patterns in store.

If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you!

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