WIP Wednesday: Still Bevin, and Dandelion Clock
I’m still plugging away on my Bevin sweater. I’ve made real progress this week, though. Here’s last week’s shot:
As you can see, I’ve finished the front and just completed the twisted-stitch motif on the back. I’ve been feeling like it’s going really slowly, but hey–nothing like pictures to show you the objective view of things.
I’ve also been working on the pattern writing for the white hat I showed you on Friday.
I went back and forth on a name several times. Molly of deepbluerenegade suggested Dandelion, which I really liked, but a quick Ravelry search turned up pages and pages of patterns with this name. So in the interest of making the pattern easier to find, I decided to go with… drumroll please…
Dandelion Clock!
If you’re wondering what timekeeping has to do with anything, Dandelion Clock is actually a common name for these things, from a kids’ game where the number of puffs it takes to blow off the seeds is supposed to tell the time: