
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Imperial Yarn’

WIP Wednesday: New Fall Sweater


I started a new sweater this week!

Imperial WIPadore it so far (to the point where I’m having to restrain myself from dropping everything else and just working on it 24/7). The yarn, Imperial Columbia, is so luscious that I’m already contemplating buying another sweater’s worth. It’s rustic-looking, but incredibly light and soft. And at a gauge of 4 sts/in, this is working up really quickly.

Here’s what I’m thinking the sweater’s going to look like. 3/4 sleeves with a fat cable, slight waist shaping, and a scoop-neck with garter edging:

Melany sketch

As you might have noticed, I’ve been on a garter stitch edging kick recently. It’s just so squishy and awesome!

Imperial edging