
New Pattern Release: Full Circle Cardigan


Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve posted! I do have a pretty good excuse, though. Besides the fact that my current knitting projects are two secret yarn company designs that I can’t show you, no matter how much I wish I could, there’s also this:

HouseAs of last week, the hubs and I are the proud owners of this house! We’ve been busy running around getting things ready to move in. I’m going to have a great workspace for my knit designs and plenty of yarn storage space. It’s pretty dang exciting.

But somewhere in the middle of all that, I managed to wrap up test knitting on my newest sweater design and get it published. So here, without further ado, is Full Circle:

Full Circle big

Modeled by my lovely friend Cheryl

FC Back

I finished the knitting on this sweater back in the summer (gulp! Can’t believe it’s been that long!), but I couldn’t show it as an FO because I sent it in for an online magazine’s call for submissions. When I got the word they weren’t going to use it, I started the process of self-publishing the design. And now I get to show it off!

The specs:

Pattern: My own Full Circle Cardigan pattern. I wanted a long, cozy cardigan when I moved back to the Midwest, so I decided to design one. I threw in the fun bubbly cables because, well, I like cables.

Yarn: Araucania Toconao, purchased from Little Knits when they were having their ridiculous full-bag sale ($35 for ten skeins!). I loved working with this yarn–it’s squishy and reminiscent of my beloved Tosh Vintage.

The only thing that bothered me, actually, was the obvious inaccuracy of the yardage given on the yarn label. I used about 6.5 skeins for the whole sweater, including two extensive swatches. If I use the 139 yds/skein given on the label, this was about 900 yds. I can’t knit a regular-length, all-stockinette sweater with 900 yds of Aran weight, so I knew that was waaaay off.

With some help from the Little Knits Ravelry group, I figured out that their skeins are regularly in the 160-170 yd range, which made much more sense, so I put a note in the pattern to this effect. I guess it’s better to get more yarn than advertised rather than less… but it’s still rather annoying.

Notes: I think my favorite part of this design is the teeny sleeve cables. They make me happy. :-)

Sleeve detail





  1. Word Lily
    Word Lily01-25-2013

    Ooh, those cables on the cuffs are great, I agree!

  2. Jazz

    Awesome cardigan. Great job!

    HAve a nice weekend.

  3. Ness

    Oh wow! I love the cables! The color is great, too!

  4. Sandra Licher
    Sandra Licher01-25-2013

    Wow! Gorgeous sweater! If I was an experienced knitter I would go for it but alas I’m not that confident yet! I can’t believe a magazine wouldn’t accept that as I’ve seen what they have accepted and they’re not very pretty like yours! LOL!

  5. Michelle

    Congratulations on the new house! I’m very jealous. I would love to have space and storage and a yard… le sigh… The sweater is beautiful also. I’m glad you’re able to share it with us.

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