
Blog Week Day 1: A Day In The Life 5KCBWDAY1


Describe a day in the life of a project that you have made, or are in the process of making.

A month and a half ago, the idea to design a baby blanket for my in-utero son/daughter was born. It would be worked from the outside in (so the work went more and more quickly as it got closer to completion, rather than the other way around).

664 cast-on stitches and many hours of work later, this is what it looked like.

Outside IN WIP fullImagine my surprise when, due to a discrepancy between the swatch and the actual blanket, it began to be clear that it was at least 8 inches longer per side than originally intended.

Oh well, it could always go on the baby’s toddler bed, right?

The blanket was stuffed in my largest project bed and placed by the sofa, in perfect position to be picked up during TV watching (mostly Castle, since the hubby and I were catching up on the latest seasons). It progressed sloooowllly, but it did progress.

moroccan blanket WIP

Right about this point is where I decided I’d like some visual interest in the center (and honestly, a break from all that stockinette didn’t sound like a bad idea either). Cue ripping back five or six rounds and knitting another repeat of the border pattern:

Moroccan blanket WIP3Then it was a question of geometry. I tried continuing the every-other-round decreases in the very center, but I was heading for a “nipple” of epic proportions. So I ripped it back to the motif. Then I tried every round decreases in stockinette. This worked geometrically, but visually… it just wasn’t doing it. Rip again.

Cue some attempted interference:




After shooing the cat away, I finally hit on the solution: a reverse stockinette stitch center, with decreases every round. This worked perfectly and looked great! As of (very late) last night, the knitting is done. No pics yet, but they’ll be coming soon.

Now it’s just a matter of weaving in ends and blocking. The baby isn’t coming for two months, so surely I’ll have it done by then….


  1. Cerina

    Hi. What a big Knit Work ! It’s beautiful ! Bravo.

  2. Voie de Vie
    Voie de Vie05-12-2014

    Ok, love the blanket! And the cat. :) We designers are such a creative bunch – we come up with all kinds of solutions. Definitely one of the best parts of the job description!

  3. Faith

    What a lovely blanket! I’m sure your little one will enjoy it.

  4. Geekette Palette
    Geekette Palette05-13-2014

    Love that color ! Can’t wait to see the result ! Castle works well for my knitting too !

  5. Cyprienne

    Ooooooh ooh ooh ooh this is already so awesome — love!

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