
Friday Roundup: Mystery and Tempeh


What I’m Knitting

After finishing the nautical baby sweater (still working on the pattern—and a good name that isn’t already taken!), I wanted to cast on for another baby/child garment. I have enough of this lovely yarn from a local Indiana company (Good for Ewe Yarns) for a vest if I’m frugal with the yarn. After several swatches, I finally hit upon something I like:

IMG_9627This is actually part of the garment itself, not a swatch! You’ll have to guess how this will turn into a vest. I just might spoil it next week, depending on how much progress I make.

What I’m Cooking

The next few recipes up on deck in my cookbook challenge were, again, ones I probably wouldn’t have made without this challenge. First up, blackened tofu (served with cauliflower/potato mash ):

IMG_9605It was really good! I’m not generally a fan of tofu unless it’s chopped up small or doused in savory sauce, but the Cajun spices worked so well here. Definitely making this one again.

The next recipe was Isa’s veganized, healthified version of her childhood favorite, Hamburger Helper. I think I only had it once or twice at friends’ houses, but I have to say, this tempeh helper did sort of remind me of it!

IMG_9612I also made a fabulous Arabian lentil soup from the cookbook this week, but I  forgot to get a picture. Gotta get better about that.

What I’m Reading

Due to an unpleasant lack of time to read (grrr…), I’m still working on Wintersmith. But I should be done by the end of the weekend!


  1. Eiskristall

    Hello Triona,

    your cast on picture looks lovely. :)

    Your ” cookbook challenge ” sounds like a lot of fun. Is it a private one or is it running somewhere on the internet where one can participate? Your meals sound and look tasty.

    • Triona Murphy
      Triona Murphy09-25-2015

      Hi! I’m doing my own private cookbook challenge, but I know the forums for the Post Punk Kitchen (the author of the cookbook’s site) do cookbook challenges pretty often. You can search for the PPK if you’re interested!

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