A Very Good Week!
I’m still plodding along on my Bevin re-knit, but I wanted to show off all the neat stuff I’ve managed to acquire this week!
First up, brand-spanking-new business cards. I’ve been wanting to update my cards for a while, but it wasn’t until I found out I’d be attending a big, big knitting event next month (more on that later!) that I took the plunge.
As you can see, I decided to make the back side of each card a close-up shot of one of my designs, and then put all the business-y info on the other side. My logo was due for a bit of a refresh, so I went ahead and did that at the same time. I think the cards turned out really well! I used Moo.com like I did for the mini cards I had made last year. Once again, I’m very happy with the results!
Next up: a Ravelry t-shirt!
I’ve wanted some Ravelry gear for ages. After all, if it wasn’t for Ravelry, I wouldn’t be a pattern designer. So when I saw they had shirts back in stock, I jumped at the chance. I got the unisex medium size, and it fits me very well (other than being a little long, which I can live with). And the fabric is soooooft. I want to cuddle with myself when I wear it.
And finally, the yarny portion of my acquisitions this week. I found a new to me local-ish yarn store, Village Yarn Shop in Zionsville, IN. Besides having a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, they had a seriously drool-worthy wall o’ Malabrigo.
I tried to restrict myself to this skein of Malabrigo Rios, for another upcoming sample re-knit:
But then I spotted this AMAZING color of Malabrigo Sock and couldn’t leave without it:
The colorway is Impressionist Sky. Apt, isn’t it?
So all in all, it’s been a pretty good week. :-)
Sweater update (and some stash enhancement!)
(Sixth in my series of design posts. Earlier posts are here: Part Five, Part Four, Part Three, Part Two, Part One.)
I missed WIP Wednesday this week (probably just as well, since I keep showing the same sweater–I imagine people might get sick of it eventually!), but I thought I’d do a little progress report anyway.
The gray sweater is moving right along. I made a design decision when I reached the sleeves to knit them twice as long as I originally intended, so they can be cuffed or flipped over to cover the hands if it’s especially cold. I thought this worked well with the cozy vibe of the sweater.
Of course, that means I have to knit 2×2 ribbing on little needles for twice as long. Ugh. But since that picture was taken, I’ve knit the second sleeve up to the ribbing. I’m hoping to grit my teeth and power through the rest tonight.
But when that’s done, I’ll have to make another design decision–front pocket or no? Hmm.
In other news, I’ve gone kind of nutty with yarn buying this week. I swear I didn’t mean to! One of my favorite online retailers, Doodlebug Yarn, sent me an email announcing a sale on Imperial Yarn Columbia. I’ve been dying to knit a sweater out of this yarn since my husband used it to knit his first hat, so I snapped up a sweater’s worth:
I’m trying to branch out a little from my usual jewel tones, so I decided to order this delicious golden yellow.
And then I spotted a single skein of Mint Julep Sundara Yarn Merino Worsted in someone’s Ravelry destash. Yum.
And just to make me look really hedonistic, I realized I forgot to show off the skein of Malabrigo Rastita I bought a few weeks ago (my mom suggested a visit to a yarn store! Really, was I going to say no??):
It was a little hard to photograph the color correctly, but it’s a gorgeous blend of magentas and purples.
I better finish the gray sweater soon, because I’ve got a lot of yarn calling my name….
FO Friday: Critters!
I finished the Owl Puff for my friend a few days ago:
Isn’t it adorable? Really simple, too. If I made it again, I might add a purl row between the base and the straight rows, just to make the owl stand up a little better. But my owl-loving friend got her package and adores it!
I also whipped up an apple mascot for a second writer-friend:
I used this pattern, and I think it came out pretty cute! (Check the comments on that blog post if you plan to knit the apple–there’s an error in the pattern as written.) I was a little worried the safety eyes took the apple into creepy territory, but my friend loved it and I’ve been informed it’s cute rather than creepy by several others. Whew. :-)
Oh, and I realized I forgot to show off some new yarn I bought last weekend!
I hadn’t heard of Good for Ewe before I saw their yarn in a local-ish shop, but it turns out they’re a new, Indianapolis-based yarn company! The Claddagh pictured above is the perfect St. Patrick’s Day yarn, isn’t it? And it’s sooooffffttt. I’m thinking a hat (because I’m pretty much always thinking a hat)… and maybe some short fingerless gloves to match?
Rhinebeck Part 2: The Haul
This is the post where I get to show off my Rhinebeck purchases!
First up, two skeins of luscious Cephalopod Yarns Traveler in the Finger Lakes colorway. This colorway is hard to photograph, but it reminds me of fresh purple grapes:
I think those are going to grow up to be a hat and mitts set (or possibly a scarf).
Next up, two skeins of Blue Moon Fiber Arts BFL sport in colorway “Manly, yes, but I like it too!” (Really, that’s the name of the colorway.)
This yarn is squishy and delicious, but I made a mistake when I bought it. Although the name should have tipped me off that it was a sportweight yarn, an error in labeling printed a worsted gauge instead of a sportweight one. You can see it in this picture if you squint:
So instead of the 1300 yards of light-worsted weight yarn I thought I was getting, I actually have 1300 yards of sport. I really do like the yarn and the colorway, enough to keep it rather than go through the hassle of returning… but I have to psych myself up to tackle a sweater on size 4 needles (what should have been printed on the label, and the size the Blue Moon website recommends).
This next lovely skein wasn’t actually purchased for me. My husband took one look at the wall of Stonehedge Shepherd’s Wool and insisted on buying one so he could knit himself another hat. As you can imagine, I didn’t argue. This is the Berries colorway:
I also got a sachet of moth-repelling herbs and a book of stitch patterns:
Not pictured: the maple candy and half-sour pickles that were eaten before the weekend was over. Yum.
I think I did pretty well for my first Rhinebeck! I purposely didn’t decide I had to have any one type/brand of yarn, since I’d heard too many stories of people sprinting to booths the second the fairgrounds opened, or standing in lines for hours. We were there to see the sights, eat good food, and spend a little (but not too much) on yarny goodness.
I would say mission accomplished :-)
More SEX… I’m trying to quit, I swear!
Another Stash Enrichment eXpedition! I was up in Monterey for a writer’s workshop this weekend and had some time to kill before it started… so I stopped into one of my favorite yarn shops, A Twisted Stitch. I wasn’t going to buy anything… but somehow these migrated into my hand:
That’s Alice Starmore’s phenomenal Aran Knitting (new and expanded edition) and two skeins of Arroyo, Malabrigo’s new sport-weight yarn, in Plomo.
I’m loving the book–the first section is a comprehensive history of the Aran islands and the sweaters that made them famous. I had many misconceptions about this style of knitting, but Ms. Starmore has set me straight! The next section is cable motifs, many of which are new to me. I got three design ideas just flipping through the book in the store, so I figured I’d better buy it, heh. The last section is gorgeous patterns, which I can admire even if I’ll never knit any of them.
At the earliest opportunity, I tried out one of the cable motifs in the Arroyo–isn’t it beautiful?
I’m thinking opera-length gloves, if I can manage to squeak a pair out of two skeins….
Stash Acquisitions, TML edition
I was trying to be good, but the space in my new yarn cabinet was crying out to me.
Little Knits, one of my favorite online retailers, had Tosh Merino Light grab bags up last week (it looks like they’re sold out now, unfortunately). 30% off 5 skeins–I got to choose the general color theme, but they chose the skeins.
This appealed to me on so many levels. Cheaper Madelinetosh! Beautiful skeins I’d only seen online! The mystery of wondering which ones I’d get! The neutral grab bag was the only one left in stock when I went to order, so I snapped it up.

Faded Chinos – my fave of the bunch. Even though it looks nothing like faded chinos to me… more like golden wheat or something.
I LOVE three of the skeins I got: Faded Chinos and Victorian Gothic above, and Badlands:
The fourth skein I got is gorgeous, but just not my colors:
I posted that one for trade on the Madelinetosh Ravelry group and got a response really quickly–so I’m swapping it for a skein of TML in Tart. I’ve heard so many rave reviews of that color but have never seen it in person–now I get to try it!
I’m still trying to trade the last skein, if anyone’s interested. It’s Terra Verte, dark version, and man is it dark–the skein looks black unless you view it in the right light, and then tiny bits of olive green are visible. The pictures below are pretty accurate (thank you Madelinetosh-loving new camera!):
Overall, I’m really pleased with my purchase. I knew I might want to trade some of the skeins away, and thanks to the magic that is Ravelry, that process is fairly painless.
Aaaannndd…. I just noticed Little Knits has Tosh Sock grab bags up. Must… resist… siren call of Tosh….
My recent SEX
Er, Stash Enhancement eXpedition, that is, he he (always liked that acronym).
I was staying in Mountain View, CA for a few days, so after a quick Ravelry search, I set out to visit the most interesting-looking yarn store in the area: Green Planet Yarn! They’re in this fabulous building:
They have a great selection, laid out in a very appealing way. My only quibble was that they hardly had any Madelinetosh, but the nice lady at the front desk told me they were expecting a big shipment in a few days.
I ended up buying a sweater’s-worth of scrumptious yarn, Stonehedge Fiber Mill Shepherd’s Wool (Rav link) in Plum. It’s for a new design that’s been simmering in my head for a while and is bursting to get out!
And can I just say how happy I am to have a camera that can take pictures AT NIGHT? I have a homemade lightbox, but my old point-and-shoot couldn’t handle night pictures anyway. It makes me happy :-)
The camera did have a little trouble with my other purchase, two skeins of Malabrigo Silky Merino (Rav link) in Ravelry Red (appropriate, no?), but I’ve heard red yarns are notoriously tricky to photograph during the daytime, much less at night.
All in all, it was a very satisfying trip :-)