
FO Friday: Go ninja, go ninja, go!


I don’t have any new FOs this week (I did finish a large sweater–but it’s still blocking!), so I thought I’d talk about one I finished last month.


I made this little Michelangelo for my brother’s birthday. Believe me, it was a wrench to give it away….

Mikey back

Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of the little nunchaku the husband made. They were ADORABLE. We stuck them in Mikey’s belt.

The specs:

Pattern: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ravelry link).

Yarn: Vanna’s Choice in Chocolate, Mustard, and Olive (I know, I know… but it was cheap and available in the right colors); Ella Rae Extrafine Heathers in color 17.

Needles: US #6

Notes: The pattern linked above was perfect except for an odd tiny shell. I used a shell from one of the many generic turtle patterns around, and I think it turned out much better. I also added armbands.

I feel about this like I always do about toys or stuffies of any kind: I HATED making it, but I LOVE the finished product. I find toys ridiculously fiddly–all that tiny knitting, followed by trying to align everything properly, sew limbs in place without making it look like crap, and then somehow managing to stuff it evenly.

Maybe that’s why I tend to give them away. I don’t need a reminder of all that effort, heh.

Mikey side


  1. Leah

    That is adorable. I want one!

  2. Vanessa

    OH MY GOD! AMAZING! Rafael was my favorite as a kid, but this? This has made my day. I love it!

  3. isaida

    too cute! All four of my boys loved TMNT!

  4. Daphne

    That is such a cute project.

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