
TILT: Blocking


Thing I Love Today: the magic of blocking!

The baby blanket is done. I’ll have better pictures by Friday, but I thought a walk through my blocking process might be interesting.

I use these foam mats I bought at the hardware store to block everything. They were cheap and they do the job. The only problem is that they have some kind of magnetic attraction for one of my cats, so after two years they all look pretty much like this:

Chewed mats


All four mats, with guilty cat for scale

Here’s the blanket as it came off the needles: crumpled and narrow. This pattern (my own) includes quite a bit of 1×1 ribbing, so this was to be expected.

Crumply blanket

Size before blocking: 22" by 32"

Then I measured carefully and spent waaay too much time using every pin I own to stretch it to size.

Kitty inspector

Kitty inspecting my work. She doesn't look impressed, does she?

I got a nifty new steam iron a few weeks ago. It does vertical steaming as well as horizontal, which is awesome for quick sweater touchups before photoshoots.

Steam iron

Steaming/spraying in progress:


And here’s the finished blanket drying. See how well the pattern opened up?

Finished blanket

Non-iPhone pics coming soon!


  1. Allison

    That lace pattern is gorgeous and I really love the color you chose for it. Posts like these make my wonder why some people are so against blocking. It’s definitely worth the time and effort.

  2. kristieinbc

    My cat loves my blocking mats too! The last time I used them I went in the spare bedroom to check the scarf I was blocking and was horrified to see the cat had picked at its edges, popping out some of the pins.

  3. Libby

    Your blocking mats are great! The steam drying worked a treat too – doesn’t the lace open up beautifully? : )

  4. Nadia

    That’s a gorgeous pattern & I love the purple. It’s a nice rich color.

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