
Socks! Well, sort of.


I finished a huge and tedious design project in laceweight a few days ago (yippee!) and was itching to get my hands on some worsted-weight yarn.

This lovely has been marinating in the stash for a while:

Malabrigo Rios

Malabrigo Rios in Indecita

And since my new place is rather drafty on the feet (even in the 100 degree + weather we’ve been having), I decided to whip myself up a pair of slippers!

I’ve only ever knit two pairs of actual socks (meaning, ones that can go in shoes, made with actual sock-weight yarn). Those were enough to show me that while I like the idea of hand-knitted socks, the amount of time they take and the rapidity with which I wear through them don’t work for me.

I really enjoy top-down sock construction, though. So when I found this pattern (Arwen Slipper Socks, Rav link) on Ravelry, I decided to (uncharacteristically) forgo designing my own chunky socks and just settle down for some relaxing direction-following.

It’s great so far:

sock in progress

Look at the yummy heel flap–somehow they always look cooler to me in a chunkier yarn:

heel flap

The pattern says the socks require about 200 yards and I’ve got 210… but I’ve also got size 9.5 feet! Here’s hoping I don’t run out….


  1. Kathleen

    Oh, I love that colorway, and those socks are making excellent use of it. They look lovely.

  2. bapsi

    holy crap a turned heel–grats! xD
    crossing my fingers for you, i hope you have just enough to make those pretty socks. :]

  3. Sue

    I like you can’t see the point to knitting socks, maybe one day when I’ve nothing else I want to knit. Great yarn though

  4. Beth

    Love the yarn!

  5. faye

    Gosh, they look yummy! I know what you mean about the chunky yarn, they’re going to keep your tootsies toasty warm! Love the photos on the brick floor too :)

  6. Allison

    That yarn is just beautiful! Those will be so cozy when they’re done.

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