
FO Friday: Knit Your Own Adventure Hats!


I have a new pattern release and three FOs to show off today: my Knit Your Own Adventure Hats!




Here are the specs:

Pattern: my own pattern, Knit Your Own Adventure Hats (Ravelry link, since I haven’t put the pattern page up on this website yet–bad Triona!). All three hats were knit from the same pattern. It includes 3 edgings, 3 cable patterns, and 3 crown decreases, all mix-and-matchable.

Side note: did anyone else love the Choose Your Own Adventure books when they were younger? I used to use scraps of paper to mark all the places where I’d have to make choices so I could go back if I didn’t like the outcome.

Yarn: Wool of the Andes worsted weight in Fairy Tale, Jalapeño, and Hyacinth. I used about 1.5 skeins per hat (around 160 yds). This is a really nice yarn: it’s definitely in the workhorse category, but it’s not itchy and comes in great colors. It’s very reminiscent of Cascade 220, one of my favorites.

Notes: These are pretty awesome hats, if I do say so myself. They’re long enough to cover the ears (a major requirement for me when cold weather rolls around). The purple one is finished with a slouchy crown, so now I can choose whether I want one of the warmer beanies or the hipper, less warm hat.

And isn’t my model adorable? She’s my friend Cheryl, who apparently cannot look bad in a picture. I had tons of good ones to choose from after this photo shoot.

I had fun taking glamour shots of the hat components in my lightbox for the pattern, too. The crown ones were stretched over a balloon, which worked surprisingly well!

KYOA Cable Pattern C

KYOA Crown B

KYOA Crown C



  1. Jen

    What a great idea! These are some awesome cable hats. :-)

  2. Marie/Underground Crafter
    Marie/Underground Crafter08-10-2012

    Lovely designs!

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