
WIP Wednesday: Neck! And Buttons!


(This is fifth in my series of design process posts. Earlier posts are here: Part Four, Part ThreePart TwoPart One.)

The sweater is progressing, if a little slower than I’d like (I’ve been working on a bunch of pattern writing, which is cutting into my knitting time). But I got the neck finished last night!

gray sweater neckI was going for a “looks like a hoodie from the front, but hardly any bulk in the back” thing, and I’m really happy with the way it turned out! Needs blocking, of course, but I think it’ll be pretty close to the sketch once the back neck is stretched out a little more. I did the neck before the sleeves, as that’s usually the more iffy part of a design for me, so I’ll be working on the sleeves this week.

In other news, I went to a button show this week!

Button show floorIt was, quite frankly, a little surreal. I was hoping to find some neat buttons for future designs, which I did (see below!), but I didn’t quite realize how passionate most of the people there would be about their buttons. These people are SERIOUS collectors. There were buttons there selling for hundreds, even thousands of dollars!

Every once in a while, it’s nice to be reminded there are people with hobbies that are generally regarded as even crazier than mine, heh.

But everyone there was incredibly nice, and I came away with some very lovely (and cheap) buttons!

IMG_6617 IMG_6622 IMG_6628If you want to know more about the button show (you masochist, you), my husband did a great blog post about it–and the bizarre hotel that hosted the show–on his blog here.


  1. Karen

    Your sweater is looking wonderful! I love v-necks. They are so wearable.
    The buttons are lovely!

  2. Minding My Own Stitches
    Minding My Own Stitches03-13-2013

    Love the way the neck bands cross so tidily at the front!

  3. kirsti(k)nits

    Those are gorgeous buttons. There’s a great button store near my office that I love to visit. It sounds like the vendors at the show have the same srs bzns attitude!

  4. Beth

    Beautiful buttons!

  5. Joanna

    A bead show, how cool! I wonder, do people actually wear the thousand dollar buttons? And just imagine the yarn you’d need to knit a cardigan for them!

  6. Sweater update (and some stash enhancement!)
    Sweater update (and some stash enhancement!)03-21-2013

    […] in my series of design posts. Earlier posts are here: Part Five, Part Four, Part Three, Part Two, Part […]

  7. Design Process: Blocking!
    Design Process: Blocking!03-24-2013

    […] my series of design posts. Earlier posts are here: Part Six, Part Five, Part Four, Part Three, Part Two, Part […]

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