
Pattern Book Giveaway!


Apologies for the lack of blogging recently. This is mostly due to a couple of secret projects I’m working on. Hopefully I’ll be able to show off one of them next week, so stay tuned!

To distract you from the lack of posts, how about a giveaway? Remember I mentioned two new designs I had in Knit Picks books recently? (If you get the Knit Picks catalog, you may have seen them featured there.)

The first, which I blogged about, is the Reilly Pullover in the Swish 2013 Collection:

KP Reilly Pullover

And the second, which I somehow missed announcing here, is the Ayri Tunic. This pattern is included in the 2013 Bulky Collection:

Ayri Tunic

Now, on to the giveaway! Knit Picks generously sent me multiple copies of each pattern booklet, so I have two of each to give away. Click on the link above each photo below to check out the patterns in each booklet on Ravelry. There are some gorgeous designs!

Bulky 2013 Collection:

Screen Shot 2013-11-14 at 11.26.50 AM

Swish 2013 Collection:

Screen Shot 2013-11-14 at 11.23.38 AMTo be entered for a chance to win, just leave a comment on this post telling me which booklet you want to win and why. Next Monday (Nov. 18), I will use a random number generator to pick the winners! This contest is open to anyone (although you may have to wait a little bit longer to receive your prize if you don’t live in the US, as I probably won’t be shipping it super-fast).

Good luck!




  1. Karen

    I think I would pick the Swish booklet because I love cables and there are so many cabled patterns there. Though both booklets are awesome!

  2. Kate

    I’d love to win the Swish booklet. I love the styles!

  3. Karen

    I would love to win the Swish Collection I ♥ cables!

  4. Sonia Valente
    Sonia Valente11-14-2013

    Hi Triona, well I like the Bulky Collection, very simple and modern designs… loooove them all.
    Kisses, Sonia.

  5. Debbie H
    Debbie H11-14-2013

    Swish because I Love that cabled sweater! Thanks
    gussek on Ravelry

  6. Katie

    It’s hard to pick, there are really great designs in both booklets, I’d be super stoked about either. If I had to choose, I’d say the Swish booklet because the designs seem just a little bit more wearable for me.

    Thanks for the chance to win one!

  7. Meghan

    I would love to win the Swish Collection. I love the cabled tops!

    I’m vernalequinox on Ravelry!

  8. stealthystitcher

    I would love the Swish Collection – would love to undertake some of those projects! (In the New Year, of course – now back to Christmas knitting…!)

  9. Rebekah Evelyn
    Rebekah Evelyn11-14-2013

    I’d like the Swish Collection. I really want to make the Thermal Tunic.

  10. britney

    I’d love the bulky one–mostly because of my love of heavier yarns!

  11. Linda

    I’d love to win the Swish Collection. The cabled sweaters are gorgeous.

    lmecoll on Ravelry

  12. Nicole

    I want to win the swish collection because I love the two sweaters that are on your blog!

  13. Stephanie

    I’d love to have the Bulky Collection. The things in there look to be more like things I’d make generally. Although both are indeed awesome.

    Bacs on Ravelry :)

  14. deepbluerenegade

    Really love your Swish design!

    Molly : )

  15. ikkinlala

    I’d love to win the Swish booklet because your Reilly pullover is gorgeous.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. Becky

    I LOVE the Reilly Pullover from the Swish 2013 Collection, and have worked with Swish in the past (loved it!), so that is the booklet I’d choose if I won. Thank you for posting this contest!

  17. Sonya

    Both booklets have some lovely patterns, but as I prefer working at a finer gauge I’d have to say I’m more tempted by the Swish booklet. The stitch pattern in the Leafy Throw is very effective!

  18. Cloudberry

    I like them both but if I win I’d like Swish :)
    Love the blankey in it.

  19. Danielle

    I would LOVE the swish collection! I am such a HUGE fan of knitting cabels!!!! I would totally go for the Bulky collection as well, being that I like big projects that go quickly, but my Favorite collection would be the Swish!

    yell737 on Rav

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