
Christmas Was Awesome


Hope everyone out there in blogland had a great Christmas!

I know I did. I made a Knit Picks wishlist for the first time this year, and boy did my family come through!

Knitterly gifts

The yarn is the KP Wool of the Andes sampler in bright colors (I can’t wait to start in on colorwork hats and mittens, yay!). The needles are Harmony DPNs, which I’ve wanted for a while. Unfortunately, I got two sets of size #9 needles, but I already called Knit Picks and packaged up the duplicates to exchange for another size.

Then there are two stitch dictionaries–I keep checking these two books out from the library and am thrilled to have copies of my very own! My MIL also got me the adorable sweater keyring.

And last but not least, this amazing Namaste case for essential accessories:

Namaste case

Inside of Namaste case

The inside of the case. The divider is magnetic!

I also got one other yarny gift… but I went back and forth on whether to post it here. I decided to do it, but be forewarned:


You sure you want to see this?

Really sure?

Okay… but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

This is what I saw when I looked in the gift bag she handed me (with no warning, I might add):

Yarny mess

And when I dumped it out:

More yarny mess

I think I may have hyperventilated a little bit (and not in the good way). Most of that yarn is CUT, people. Not to mention tangled beyond hope of sorting out. Someone took a bunch of yarn–mostly acrylic, but some wool–wound it into dozens of hanks, and then CUT THE STRANDS. Seriously, WTF?

SIL told me she found the bag at a yard sale for $1.00 and had to get it for me. I tried to be appreciative, but I was kind of terrified.

Any suggestions on what to do with this mess?


  1. Vanessa

    Nice “haul” except for the mangled bits of yarn. Maybe you could use it as stuffing in a toy? Or um…leave it outside for the birds to use as material for nests? It could be used as “hair” for a portait a child is making.

  2. Randi

    Pretty presents! I have the same little Namaste case in purple too. I love it, especially the magnetic sides.

  3. Amanda

    Display that mess prominently! Show it to projects that are being uncooperative, describe in agonizing detail just what had to happen to make the mess become what it is, and imply that a similar fate might await any unruly yarn that doesn’t behave itself and submit to the will of its Knitter.

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