
TILT: Photoshop Actions!


Thing I Love Today: Downloadable Photoshop Actions!

How did I not even know this tool existed? You can download (free, mostly!) sequences of layers and filters that automatically apply themselves to photos… and they come out AWESOME. I can do basic stuff in Photoshop (lighten, darken, blur backgrounds, change saturation, that kind of thing), but these tricks are way beyond me. Being able to drastically alter the mood of a photo by clicking one button is huge.

I’ve been messing with the photos of my new sweater (see last post for details on the sweater). Here are some examples, using my favorite set of actions so far, the Timecapsule Set by Nelly Nero (I found the download here):

Original photo

Original photo


with Warm Up action

with Warm Up action


with Summer of '69 action

with Summer of '69 action

with City Chic action

with City Chic action – I have never looked cooler in my life

Of course, I immediately want to go through my entire photo collection and futz with every one, haha. Such is the danger of learning new Photoshop tricks. But I think the challenge will be to keep the effects subtle. The timing on figuring this out is really good, though… I will be releasing a new hat and mitten set in about a week that has a very vintage-y feel, so some of the actions are going to work really well for those photos!

Stay tuned…


  1. isaida

    my favorite is summer of ’69!

  2. Blog Week Day 3: Experimental Photography 5KCBWDAY3
    Blog Week Day 3: Experimental Photography 5KCBWDAY305-14-2014

    […] and then you can adjust the layers to get the exact look you want. (I gushed about Actions in this blog post if you want to read more about […]

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