
More SEX… I’m trying to quit, I swear!


Another Stash Enrichment eXpedition! I was up in Monterey for a writer’s workshop this weekend and had some time to kill before it started… so I stopped into one of my favorite yarn shops, A Twisted Stitch. I wasn’t going to buy anything… but somehow these migrated into my hand:


That’s Alice Starmore’s phenomenal Aran Knitting (new and expanded edition) and two skeins of Arroyo, Malabrigo’s new sport-weight yarn, in Plomo.

plomo Arroyo

A more accurate picture of the color.

I’m loving the book–the first section is a comprehensive history of the Aran islands and the sweaters that made them famous. I had many misconceptions about this style of knitting, but Ms. Starmore has set me straight! The next section is cable motifs, many of which are new to me. I got three design ideas just flipping through the book in the store, so I figured I’d better buy it, heh. The last section is gorgeous patterns, which I can admire even if I’ll never knit any of them.

At the earliest opportunity, I tried out one of the cable motifs in the Arroyo–isn’t it beautiful?

Arroyo cable

I’m thinking opera-length gloves, if I can manage to squeak a pair out of two skeins….


  1. Libby

    I can see why you couldn’t resist – neither could I!

  2. Pumpkin

    That yarn is simply beautiful, I don’t blame you one bit for breaking down and buying it. The book looks fabulous as well!

  3. Erin

    Anything in Malabrigo is wonderful in my opinion! The cable pattern is lovely, can’t wait to see what you make of it!

  4. isaida

    I love the sweater on the front cover, but would never be able to do it!

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