
Star Wars Baby Shower


Warning: picture-heavy post ahead! (It has a little to do with knitting, I promise. Hang in there.)

I threw a baby shower for my best friend yesterday. She’s a Star Wars mega-fan from way back, so we came up with the idea of having a Star Wars theme! I couldn’t resist the opportunity to put my new camera of awesomeness to good use.

dark side cake

wookie cookies

I made Yoda Soda by mixing lemon-lime soda with lime sherbet:

Yoda soda

The favors were lightsabers (pretzel rods dipped in melted candy coating and sprinkles):

lightsaber pretzel rods

Yoda advice

The gorgeous mama-to-be:

guest of honor

We played games, decorated onesies, and watched her open presents:




Recognize this? It went over really well with everyone! All of the non-knitters were impressed that both sides looked good, which I thought was pretty awesome :-)

Kari baby blanket

baby blanket 2

The shower took a lot of planning, but everyone seemed to have a great time. The mama-to-be was very happy. So it was all worth it :-)

me and Kari

My favorite picture of Kari and me


  1. Pumpkin

    How could she not love and treasure such a beautiful blanket! And also let me say that looks like the most awesome baby shower ever! Seriously.

  2. Truly Myrtle
    Truly Myrtle03-12-2012

    You are a great friend! What a cool party – she is going to love that blanket for her baby : )

  3. Allison

    What a fun theme for a baby shower! That dark side cake looks fabulous!

  4. Tana

    What an adorable idea! And I am determined to make your blanket some day!

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