
2012 Knitting Year In Review


I thought it might be fun to look back at my knitting progress this year, so I went through my Ravelry project pages and tallied it all up. And holy wow–I finished 27 projects this year. Nine of those were full-sized sweater designs.

That’s a lot of knitting, yo.

baby-surprisedAnyway, I though it would be fun to show you a quick snapshot of the projects I finished this year:

Here are the self-designed sweaters (minus two that are secret designs for yarn companies–I can’t blog about those until they’re published next year):

Collage SweatersHats, all but one of which are my own design:
Collage HatsOther accessories (lace shawl design for a forthcoming book not shown):

Collage AccessoriesAnd finally, small sweaters (two for my niece, one for the Christmas tree):

Collage Small sweatersThink I can beat my own record in 2013?


  1. Noreen

    Your designs are wonderful! 2012 has been amazingly productive for you! Of your sweaters, I am especially take with Chandall.

  2. Marie/Underground Crafter
    Marie/Underground Crafter01-01-2013

    These are lovely designs! I’m impressed by your ability to create numerous sweaters in one year :).

  3. Alicia

    What a lot of gorgeous designs! I especially love the 2nd sweater on the top.

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