
FO Friday: Critters!


I finished the Owl Puff for my friend a few days ago:

Owl puffIsn’t it adorable? Really simple, too. If I made it again, I might add a purl row between the base and the straight rows, just to make the owl stand up a little better. But my owl-loving friend got her package and adores it!

I also whipped up an apple mascot for a second writer-friend:

Dee's appleI used this pattern, and I think it came out pretty cute! (Check the comments on that blog post if you plan to knit the apple–there’s an error in the pattern as written.) I was a little worried the safety eyes took the apple into creepy territory, but my friend loved it and I’ve been informed it’s cute rather than creepy by several others. Whew. :-)

Oh, and I realized I forgot to show off some new yarn I bought last weekend!

Good for Ewe CladdaghI hadn’t heard of Good for Ewe before I saw their yarn in a local-ish shop, but it turns out they’re a new, Indianapolis-based yarn company! The Claddagh pictured above is the perfect St. Patrick’s Day yarn, isn’t it? And it’s sooooffffttt. I’m thinking a hat (because I’m pretty much always thinking a hat)… and maybe some short fingerless gloves to match?


  1. Michelle

    Adorable. little mascots! I’m going to keep an eye out for some goo for ewe yarn. I wonder if it’s made its way to any Chicago LYS yet.

  2. Karen

    Oh they’re so cute!!

  3. kirsti(k)nits

    Super cute apple! I don’t think it looks creepy at all. Especially compared to the murderous lamd I once made. (

    • Triona

      Bahaha! The lamb is awesome. I’m sure the baby didn’t mind. :-)

  4. Corrie B
    Corrie B03-15-2013

    They are all amazing! I especially like the owl’s beak, and the colour of your new yarn. Also, the eyes are not creepy at all.

  5. Chris

    The apple is adorable! I live in Evansville, can’t wait to find out about this new yarn company!

  6. kristieinbc

    I love the gifts you knit up! And that green yarn is gorgeous. A hat sounds like just the right thing to knit with it.

  7. Jazz

    Lovley critters! My favorite is the apple.

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