


Remember this post from Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, where I gushed about ChiaoGoo needles and wished for a set?

Look what I got for my birthday from my awesome in-laws (with an assist from my husband):

ChiaoGoo setThat’s a full set of the red lace interchangeable needles, exactly what I wanted! The size US #9 is missing from the photo because it immediately got switched out for the needle I was using in my WIP. :-)

With the help of these needles, I’m working away on the Imperial Columbia sweater. After ripping out the yoke four times (urgh), I think I’ve finally got it figured out. Hopefully I’ll have pictures by next week!


  1. kirsti(k)nits

    Happy birthday to you! That’s a great present! I would have been a bit nervous about swapping the needles out, just in case a 9 wasn’t a 9, but it’s lovely to get to use what you want right away.

  2. Sezza

    YAY!! Happy Birthday to you! I LOVE my Chaiogoo interchangeables. LOVE!

  3. Catalina

    Gorgeous set of needles! I need to look into some interchangeables!

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