
WIP Wednesday: Outside-In Baby Blanket


Remember how I said I was obsessed with baby knits these days?

I knew I wanted to design some kind of baby blanket for my kiddo, so I delved into my inspiration folder and came up with these two blanket-like ideas.

Screen Shot 2014-03-20 at 11.55.16 AM Screen Shot 2014-03-20 at 11.58.17 AM

After a bunch of swatching, I found a stitch pattern I liked that was reminiscent of the swirls from the first pattern. I figured a “start at the middle and increase on four lines to the edges” construction would work well for the pattern, but there was just one problem.

I hate projects that start with very few stitches and increase out to a zillion at the edges.

I would so much rather slog through the loooong part at the beginning and then be rewarded with ever-increasing speed and progress as I go on. That way the initial burst of enthusiasm sustains me through the beginning, and the visible progress sustains me through the rest of the project. So I decided to design this blanket to be worked outside-in instead of the more traditional inside-out.

I swatched a corner, took a picture, put it in Photoshop, and played around a little:

Screen Shot 2014-04-09 at 10.08.57 AMThat’s the general idea, anyway.

I’ve been working on the blanket steadily for about a week now, and here’s what I have to show for it:

Outside In WIPNot very impressive, is it? But when you consider that the CO had 664 sts…

Outside IN WIP fullI could possibly use a longer circular needle.


  1. Leah (Good Enough)
    Leah (Good Enough)04-09-2014

    Wow. That is a lot of stitches. I like your inspiration patterns and look forward to seeing how it works up in yarn form!

  2. Beth

    Wow! It’s going to be beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Lucy Bowen
    Lucy Bowen04-09-2014

    I think that is very impressive, what with the design and the number of stitches!! Looks like it is going to be fabulous.

  4. Julia

    This is awesome. It might cost you your sanity, but it will look lovely when it’s done.

    I love the edging with the twisted stitches! Really, really beautiful. :D

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