
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want…


(And yes, I’m perfectly aware that title dates me.)

I’ve decided I really want a digital SLR camera. I’ve been doing all my pattern and project photography with a fairly nice Sony point-and-shoot. It has very limited manual settings, though, so I have to be super-careful about lighting.

Bright, sunny days are nice and all, but when you have them 99% of the time, photography can be a nightmare. I’ve taken a bunch of my pattern pictures at the beach (as you might notice), because it’s one of the only places in the greater LA area that usually has cloud cover.

Thumbs up

Why am I so happy in this picture? Because it's the first time I had seen clouds in three months.

Another issue is that contrary to popular opinion, there are places in LA that are far from the beach. I happen to live in one of them. It takes about forty-five minutes to get there when there’s no traffic (which is never). If I have three or four samples to photograph, the trip is worth it, but otherwise it’s a giant pain in the behind.

Over Christmas, I stupidly intelligently decided to try out my mother-in-law’s Canon Rebel T3.

I am deeply, madly in love with this camera. Using just the kit lens, I wandered around their house and yard taking pictures of everything, and THEY ALL CAME OUT GREAT.

Proof I’m not lying:

Artsy stockings

Tiny panda

Cody dog

JellybeansAre these not the tastiest-looking jellybeans you’ve ever seen?


This next picture is, I think, the best one I’ve ever taken. And it’s of CILANTRO.

Amazing cilantro

Can you imagine what this camera could do with, say, a Madelinetosh sweater?

So the bottom line is, I want a DSLR. Desperately. But it’s not in the budget right now, so I’ll have to be content with my POS P&S until I make enough money by selling my designs to purchase one.

And if anyone has recommendations for entry-level DSLRs or places to buy them, I’d love to hear about it!


  1. Pumpkin

    I myself have a Nikon D3100, but I don’t feel like I’m very qualified to talk about it. I can say that I really, really like it and that I think it has allowed for me to take the kinds of pictures that I have always dreamed of. The only thing that I dislike is the fact that a proper lens will run you $500 and up.

    • Triona Murphy
      Triona Murphy01-07-2012

      Ooh, yeah, I’ve heard Nikons are worse for expensive lenses. That’s one reason I’m leaning toward a Canon… I’ll probably only use the lens that comes with it for a while, but I’m sure I’ll want more lenses eventually.

  2. isaida

    I also have a Nikon. A D60. it was my first DLSR and I love it. I’ve decided to take it off auto this year and doing a 365 project on my blog.

    BTW – love the pic of you on the beach. Too cute. Love the hat.

  3. Michelle

    Spice Girls are still current and totally relevant. :-D I bought myself a Nikon D80 a couple years back, but haven’t pushed it to it’s capability. It’s definitely a work in progress. Your photos make it look like you’re a pro! Hope you’re able to get your own ASAP!

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