
WIP Wednesday


Now that the hubbub of Blog Week has died down, I can get back to regularly-scheduled blogging!

The green sweater is currently languishing in the WIP basket, waiting for buttons and possibly afterthought pockets. I’m giving it some time to marinate while I decide.

In the meantime, I’m working on a shawl design (my first!) in Tosh Merino Light. Being a newbie at shawl design, I didn’t plan for enough yarn, so I had to order another skein.

And now I’m paralyzed by doubt. I knew getting a similar-enough color was a total crapshoot, but I thought I got lucky–the new skein looked close enough in color when it arrived, but now that it’s caked I’m not sure. I don’t want to rip out the whole thing and alternate skeins (I’m 3/4 done!), but I have a bad feeling there’s going to be a noticeable line.

TML shawl I/P

Hmm… although, looking at the picture, the new cake doesn’t look very different. I should probably just bite the bullet and work a few inches before making a final judgement.


  1. Pumpkin

    Oh no! That is so, so frustrating! Knowing the resourceful, intelligent person that you are, you will find a way around this no problem!

  2. Sarah

    I would work a few inches to check too – good luck!

  3. Marie/Underground Crafter
    Marie/Underground Crafter05-02-2012

    If you are just making the sample for photography for the pattern, it is likely that you can use camera effects or photo editing to adjust the colors. If you are trying to sell or give the sample, then it could be more problematic…

    • Triona Murphy
      Triona Murphy05-02-2012

      Hmm, you do make a very good point! I am going to be self-publishing it, so I could just make sure to photograph the “good side”. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Truly Myrtle
    Truly Myrtle05-04-2012

    It looks the same to me from here! Totally beautiful colour – I love it. What a bummer if there is a line – I can empathise with your dilemma. I’d knit and see and then probably end up ripping because I couldn’t cope….

  5. FO Friday (and new pattern): Rosanna Wrap!
    FO Friday (and new pattern): Rosanna Wrap!05-25-2012

    […] tosh merino light, 2 skeins in Tart. I blogged here about my worry that my two skeins (purchased at different times) were too different from each […]

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