
Numma numma panna (fun to say, try it!)


I won a contest in one of my Ravelry groups and received my prize a few days ago: a gorgeous skein of yarn!

numma numma panna

This is panna worsted weight by numma numma (which is really fun to say, try it!). It is SO SQUISHY. I can’t properly express in words how wonderfully squishy it is. It’s like Malabrigo Worsted, but MORE SO. And I don’t say that lightly, people.

So obviously this  needs to be a mega-special design, one that’s worn right next to the skin. I’m thinking mittens, maybe? Not sure I can get two mittens out of 200 yds of worsted, though. Fingerless mittens? A cute beanie?

Any ideas?


  1. Sue

    the yarn looks so soft, a beanie I think, unless you could purchase another skein then a cowl or something similar

  2. Allison

    That is pretty! Maybe a cowl?

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