
Same Sweater, Different Week


I’m still knitting away on my Tosh Merino Light sweater:

Dream progress

The placket part looks so weird before the buttonbands are added, doesn’t it? I have to keep reassuring myself that it’ll all look fine once the finishing is done.

Now that I’m past the part where the sweater is joined together, it’s smooth sailing (no more purl rows, yay!), so I should be able to make some good progress on it this week. I’m hoping to at least have the body and sleeves done by next Wednesday (the finishing would be great too, but I’m not sure if that’s a realistic goal).

I’m a few inches farther now than that picture–and I only just ran out of the first skein of TML! Knitting fingering weight on size #6 needles is definitely a good way to stretch out your yarn, that’s for sure. I’d be surprised if I used all of three skeins for the whole sweater, since I’m planning to do 3/4 sleeves anyway.

Back photo:

Dream back progress


  1. deepbluerenegade

    I love how the sweater is turning out.

    Molly : )

  2. Spinster Beth
    Spinster Beth10-03-2012

    I can’t quite picture how it’s supposed to look … I’ll have to keep checking back!

  3. Beth

    It’s beautiful!

  4. Susan

    So pretty! I’m in a MadTosh binge phase right now, and this is pretty much NOT helping it! :)

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