
FO Friday and New Pattern Release: Oscillation Scarf


I have a new FO to show off, and a new pattern!

And it’s (gasp) not a baby knit.


The scarf is part of the awesome Malabrigo Quickies program (small designs that take 1-2 skeins of Malabrigo yarn). You can check out the rest of the Quickies here on the Malabrigo website. There are some ridiculously cute patterns there.

We had fun trying to pretend I wasn’t 36 weeks pregnant in the photoshoot. I think we pulled it off rather well. The bump is kiiinnnd of present in the full body shots:

Oscillation2But I think you still see the scarf first and not just OMG baby!

The FO specs:

Pattern: my own Oscillation Scarf (Ravelry link), available to purchase for $4 US.

Yarn: Malabrigo Arroyo, two skeins in Reflecting Pool. Blue-green yarns are my Kryptonite, so I loooovee this colorway. My skeins were very different from each other, so I alternated every other row and twisted the yarns up the side. It looks neat and tidy in person, and you can barely see it in the photos, even the closeups:

Oscillation3The combo of the winding cables and alternating skeins broke up the pooling you sometimes get with hand-dyed yarns quite nicely. I’m really happy with the way the colorway looks with the pattern!

Notes: This is one of those sweet spot patterns: just interesting enough to keep your attention, but easily memorized so it makes great TV or travel knitting. A good chunk of this scarf was knit at the TNNA tradeshow while manning my booth or chatting (oops, still need to do a TNNA recap post!).

And now, of course, I’m back to baby knits. My little one is due in three weeks, so not too much longer until you get to see some modeled shots!




  1. Lucy Bowen
    Lucy Bowen06-13-2014

    Love it – beautiful colour and lovely.

  2. Lucy Bowen
    Lucy Bowen06-13-2014

    Oops got distracted – meant to say lovely pattern!!

  3. Kala

    Very pretty scarf, you can never have too many!

  4. MegWesley

    I never would have guessed that it was two different dye lots. It is so gorgeous! You should be proud of the scarf that is not baby knit. It takes longer to knit and it looks like it was worth it!

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