
FO Friday (and new pattern): Rosanna Wrap!


It’s so nice to have a plethora of projects that I’m allowed to show off!

This is my newest design, Rosanna Wrap:

Rosanna main

I picture this wrap being perfect for dressy nights out in the summer–it looks fab with a little black dress. And it’s long (75″), so there’s enough fabric to actually keep one warm.

Rosanna full

Blocking the finished wrap was a bit of an adventure. I wanted a nice straight edge (obviously), but I don’t own blocking wires (haven’t ever needed them before) and had only about 50 pins. First, I went out and bought a couple more packs of pins. Then I used a method I found on Ravelry: I ran cotton yarn along each edge, pulled tight, and then braced the cotton with pins so the lace was pulled tight and able to open up.

It worked rather well, if I do say so myself–but slowly weaving in the cotton yarn and putting in a few hundred pins isn’t an experience I care to repeat very often!

Rosanna detail

I also decided to up the dressy-factor by adding a knotted fringe. I had to look up tutorials on how to do this and I figured others might have to as well… so I included my own photo tutorial in the pattern.

Rosanna fringe

Here are the specs on my FO:

Pattern: my own Rosanna Wrap, available to purchase on this website or through Ravelry here.

Yarn: madelinetosh tosh merino light, 2 skeins in Tart. I blogged here about my worry that my two skeins (purchased at different times) were too different from each other… but oddly enough, that appears to have been completely addressed by blocking. The dye ran pretty severely when I soaked the FO–I had to empty the sink and add fresh water five or six times before it was clear. The excess dye seems to have evened out the difference in the colors, which is so lucky I can hardly believe it. But the proof is in the pictures!

Rosanna main


  1. Sue

    That is really lovely, looks so elegant, well done

  2. Sam

    what a stunning shawl! It looks perfect!

  3. Robin

    You make such beautiful things! I think the fringe really gives it the dressed up look you’re going for. Personally I love to wear wraps and shawls. Since my life tends to be pretty casual that means I’m usually in jeans and a t-shirt or blouse or a simple dress and I wear wraps/shawls with all of them!

  4. Ness

    That is gorgeous! The fringe is so pretty!

  5. Sarah

    Its absolutely gorgeous! I love it, and I think this shape is really useful or practical (for me at least!)

  6. Tracy

    Its absolutely lovely. Great size and shape, really pretty pattern and looks so nice in that colour. Well done with the blocking, sounds a bit lengthy :)

  7. Soyun Park (Atelier de Soyun)
    Soyun Park (Atelier de Soyun)05-26-2012

    Breathtking!! What a gorgeous shawl!! You look amazing in it!

  8. Maria

    That is absolutely gorgeous! Wow!

  9. Pumpkin

    Absolutely stunning. I love the deep red and the elegant stitch pattern. I would definitely say that it was well worth the hard work.

  10. Leah

    That is beautiful! Gorgeous colour, and it looks great with a black dress.

  11. Truly Myrtle
    Truly Myrtle06-08-2012

    Gorgeous – Another great design. I love the fringe!

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